Lewis' debut in the show ring was a winning one; he came home with the BIG orange ribbon. He earned Best Baby Puppy in Show under Brazilian judge Gutenberg Soares at the Barrie Kennel & Obedience Club show on August 5, 2019.
Lewis earned a Best Baby Puppy in Group in his second time in the ring at the Oakville and District Kennel Club show in September 2019. Lewis debuted in the "big dog" show ring at 6.5 months old at the Georgina Kennel Club show, November 2019. He earned his first 2 points by going First, Winner's Dog, Best of Winner's, Best Puppy in Breed and Best Bred By Exhibitor in Breed. Lewis returned to the show ring in March 2020, and earned 6 points in 3 shows, by going Best of Breed over multiple specials, and a Best of Opposite (again over specials). He also earned his Canine Good Neighbour at the same show. Lewis has discovered the sport of Sprinter and loves it! He earned his Novice Sprinter (NS) in 2020, and his Sprinter (S) and Advanced Sprinter (AS) in 2021. He completed his Sprinter Excellent (SX) in October 2022. Lewis fittingly completed his final 2 points required for his Canadian Championship at the Georgina Kennel Club show by going Winner's Dog on Saturday under Judge Cheryl Paterson and Winner's Dog and Best of Opposite Sex over a special under Judge Janet Lobb. Lewis has had some big wins at specialties including Select Dog at the 2023 National specialty. Lewis completed his CKC Grand Championship novice handled at the Barrie Kennel & Obedience club show in August 2024, under the same judge that finished his mom's Grand Champion Bronze. This marks Vedder's 6th GCH offspring of 7 to make their way to the show ring. He is also training in Rally and other sports to keep his mind active and engaged. Most of Lewis' time is spent being a much adored pet and companion to Tracey and her daughter Nadine. Lewis loves going camping with his family. |
Health Testing:
Lewis is not available for breeding. |